COVID19 Update – Reopening 18th May

Dear all,


With the announcement on Sunday, I have begun to set out our return to work plan.  As a business, the safety of our staff, customers and other stakeholders is our top priority.  With this in mind we will be introducing a number of new policies and procedures over the next few days before our team return to work.   They will be briefed remotely to ensure they understand the extra safeguards we have put in place and can action appropriately.


From Monday 18th May we will be returning to work with limited staff; this is to ensure we can follow the government guidelines for workplace safety.  This means that we will not be at full capacity and therefore lead times will be impacted.


Initially, our phones will remain off – this is so we can prioritise work that comes into us via email from account customers and those with ongoing projects within our kitchen business.


Finally, a big ‘Thank You’ to all of our customers for being so patient and understanding during this crisis.  Whilst it is definitely not over yet, with new safety measures in place, we are confident we can now serve you, our loyal customers, with a low risk to us all.


Michael Garrett,
Managing Director

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